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2016 Fall Non-Profit Lunch & Learn Seminar
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
UL Lafayette Alumni Center Board Room, 600 E St Mary Blvd, Lafayette, LA

The UL Lafayette Moody College of Business Administration is excited to present another session in the Non-Profit Seminar Series. Participants will take a deeper look into the importance and effectiveness of Creating a Continuity of Organizational Operations Plan (COOP). Are you ready for the next disaster? Would you be able to communicate with your staff, board, and funders? Would your critical documents and data be accessible? How soon could you return to service? In this session you'll learn how to create a continuity of operations plan that will minimize risk and maximize your opportunity to serve. You'll also receive tools to help you implement your plan. 

The informative session will cover the following topics:

  • Elements of a COOP
  • The Evacuation Box
  • Emergency Personnel Policies
  • Emergency Financial Policies
  • Insurance Policies
  • Safeguarding Data
  • What to do just before you close your office
  • Resumption of Operations

The speaker for the seminar will be Dr. Cory Sparks.

Dr. Cory Sparks directs the Louisiana Association of Nonprofit Organizations' (LANO) Institute for Nonprofit Excellence, a statewide resource for improving the practice and sustainability of nonprofit organizations. In the New Orleans area, he is a leader of LANO's efforts to expand and strengthen services to hundreds of regional nonprofits.

Dr. Sparks has years of executive leadership experience and has demonstrated excellence as a public speaker, educator, fund raiser, and a community activist and organizer. He holds degrees from Columbia University, Southern Methodist University and a Doctorate in American History from Louisiana State University. Dr. Sparks' board leadership includes a current position as President Elect of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), New Orleans Chapter.